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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Getting Ready for Senegal

(Editor's note:  This post was written in November, 2012 but due to blogging mishaps :) I am now starting again and hope to have this correctly set up before Henk and Margreet leave in only a few days.)

December is just around the corner, which means that we are approaching a new year. Many of you have been following our adventures volunteering with Wycliffe Bible Translators over the past years. Again we felt called to volunteer where needed come January 2013, our 7th volunteer venture. From January 19 – March 27, we are responding to a call “to come over and help us” in the African country of Senegal .

Senegal has a population of over 12 million people – 70% live in rural areas while about 2.4 million live in or near the capital of Dakar.
Senegal allows freedom of religion. However, the task is great as 92% of the population adheres to Islam. Evangelical believers are few and the rate of growth is slow. Believers are scattered, poorly taught and under constant pressure from Muslim or animistic relatives to conform.
There are 38 languages. New Testaments are available in 6 languages. Pray for wide distribution and a deep impact on the readers. Work on 19 New Testaments is in progress.
We are thankful that once again we have the opportunity to help in a practical way to further the work of Bible translation and to be an encouragement to the local and international Christians who give so much of themselves in so many different areas of expertise.
Although we have a tentative list of things to do (mainly repair and maintenance of the offices and guesthouse of the translators) flexibility will be key again.
In order to correctly fulfill the government regulations regarding charity receipts, there are several ways in which you can donate to Henk and Margreet:
 Make your cheque payable to WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS”, and write “DenOudsten support” on the memo line. Place your cheque in the addressed Wycliffe envelope provided at the Info desk and the church will mail this for you. Your receipt will come directly from Wycliffe Calgary, so make sure your name and address is clearly written on the cheque or a separate piece of paper included in the envelope.
 Make your cheque payable to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, and write “Wycliffe Bible Translators” on the memo line. Place your cheque in a regular offering envelope, again writing “WYCLIFFE” on the line that says “specify”. Please be assured that your donation will be sent to Wycliffe specifically for the DenOudsten’s support. However, please note that your donation will appear on your year-end statement as a gift to Wycliffe.
 Online – Wycliffe Bible Translators Canada,
 By credit card: call the WBT Canada office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. mountain time, toll-free 1-800.463.1143.
 If you wish to give anonymously, please clearly state that information in with your cheque.
 If you do not require or wish a donation receipt, simply give your cheque or cash directly to the DenOudstens as a gift to them for their Missions trip.
The DenOudstens will be informed of amounts receipted by the church as a whole. The names of personal donors will not be passed on to respect the privacy of givers.

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